Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday! Spring is here!

 Had our first spring like day on Sunday, so we jumped at the opportunity to get out of the house and go to the playground. Love learned how to cross the monkey bars by herself, and Babe proved that anything she could do he could do just as well and crossed the monkey bars by himself too. They made a few friends and got the much needed fresh air we've waited 4-5 months for!

Caught her mid-jump!


  1. I am so jealous. Looks like you all had a blast! Love the shots of their hair blowing in the wind!!

    Penny at Green Moms and Kids

  2. What is that big blue thing in the last picture???

    -Queen Mommy

    1. A merry-go-round! It sits about 8-10 kids and they can chill out and spin, typically thanks to the older kids there, or a dad trying to pick up single moms. ;)

    2. Oh I like that!!! It looks like they can't fall off or out of it!!! Wish our park would get one like that... I make mine sit in the very middle and hold on and still worry about them coming off

      -Queen Mommy

  3. Awww they looks like they are having so much fun. Its freezing here! Hayden loves the park but its too cold at the moment.

    Thank you so much for linking up with Friday Chaos.
    Be sure to come back again this week & let us know if you would like to co host

    Lotte xo

    1. I'd love to co-host! How do I do it? :) I'll be linking up again tomorrow!
