Friday, July 3, 2015


I wrote a letter to the doctor that I had to deal with yesterday. I am disgusted by the lack of care and concern I received.

Dear Dr -----,
I met with you today as an OB Patient for my 24 week appointment. I had concerns and questions that I had hoped to have addressed. First being my concern for a diagnosis of suspected Accreta that I had received from Maternal fetal medicine. You dismissed the possibility that there could be Accreta and even rolled your eyes and scoffed at the MFM order for a 3d scan at 28 weeks, involving other nurses and Dr. ----- in the conversation as well. A conversation which occured in the middle of the hallway within ear shot of other patients (have you heard of HIPAA laws sir?) My thoughts on your attitude during today's meeting have been mixed with emotions (sure those hormones are all to blame though right???) For one, as much as I hope you are right and Accreta is absolutely not present, if it is even slightly suspected, I am thankful for any additional testing that could allow us to be prepared when the time comes to deliver my baby. Ultimately, we are taking about my life, my baby's health, and my uterus. You might not find a hysterectomy, or the possibility of bleeding to death, to be such a big deal, but I do. I would like to know what could happen and be able to prepare myself should the worst case scenario be presented. So continue to scoff and roll your eyes, I will continue to be thankful for MFM and their caution.
Among other questions was whether or not your practice does delayed cord clamping during C-sections. You told me no you don't do that, and stated there have not been any proven benefits to it being done. Well, I have read the medical journals and studies that have been published, and although I am not as educated as yourself, nor do I have the amount of real world experience of labor and delivery that you have, I can comprehend those medical studies. I know that the verdict is still out on whether or not there is a benefit to delayed cord clamping in Csections, but I am anemic, and I hope to breastfeed, so my baby won't be receiving iron through formula, that to me is reason enough to take the extra minute or so for delayed cord clamping to increase the iron stores in my baby's blood, giving her a better, healthier start in life.
Ultimately, I would like to say I trust the Dr who will be delivering my baby to be able to make judgements based on the health and well being of my baby and myself, and not what is easiest for him/her during the time of the surgery. I intend to create a birth plan, one that involves delayed cord clamping, I hope it will be followed. Obviously, fetal safety would be paramount and I'd expect normal protocol to be followed in the case any health concerns come up. However, if the delivery is going well, and baby is healthy, I hope my wishes will be honored.
After today's meeting, I don't think that you are capable of respecting my wishes, as you expressed through your attitude that I am just a silly woman who reads too much. You stated you prefer uneducated patients so that you aren't subjected to such nonsense as delayed cord clamping. Well, sir, this is my formal goodbye. I'm going to continue to educate myself on the procedures that would best benefit my child and myself. I'm going to find a doctor who I feel comfortable with, one who will be respectful of my wishes and concerns.
I hope you take this letter to heart and not just scoff or roll your eyes at another hormonal woman who think she knows a thing or two. And perhaps you could even learn from it and adjust your demeanor for your current and any future patients who find themselves in your care.
Thank you,